Monday, April 21, 2014

A Trainor/Brodkey inpsired thingy

Pretend you are a composition instructor for a Developmental writing class at a college.  Read/Watch the following passages/youtube clips and convey the first 3 things you immediately think of.  This may be a single word, a phrase, name of a song, person, or place, a picture, another clip etc.

For homework, take another look at each example and your initial thoughts, and then research each example and find out 1) author/creator 2) the professional status of the author/creator 3) context 4) year 5) content/subject matter.

Once you do this, come to class with discussion notes, a freewrite, list of topic points- something tangible or digital to share.  


What if, actually, complaining was a good thing to in certain cases, because it was a way to get something to change.  Like if you don’t complain about racism, how will we ever end racism? Right? Let’s just say, like, complaining is actually a good thing. How would you feel about that?

Du Yusong having business like fruit stand. Like off the street kind. He is Du like Du Zong -- but not Tsung-ming Island people. The local people call putong, the river east side, he belong to that side local people. That man want to ask Du Zong father take him in like become own family. Du Zong father wasn't look down on him, but didn't take seriously, until that man big like become a mafia. Now important person, very hard to inviting him. Chinese way, came only to show respect, don't stay for dinner. Respect for making big celebration, he shows up. Mean gives lots of respect. Chinese custom. Chinese social life that way. If too important won't have to stay too long. He come to my wedding. I didn't see, I heard it. I gone to boy's side, they have YMCA dinner. Chinese age I was nineteen.

I don’t have must to said this week a good frineds husband was kill satday at 3:15 the man who kill him is a good man he would give you the shirt off of his back it is really self-defense but anyway I see police academy three it was funny but not is good as the first two


I don’t think you can say, like, it would do any good, to just
whine all the time. Like, around here, I know, it would get you
nowhere. No one would listen and people would just be all, do the
work and it will pay off. Like you can complain about homework, but
the truth is, if you do it, by doing it, you are getting somewhere.
You’re getting a job or like college or whatever. And complaining, if
we just complained and never did all the work, then like I think it’s
like just giving up and saying ok, I don’t care what happens to me.
And then, it’s like, just hopeless, I guess. Just complain because
nothing does any good.

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