Monday, April 14, 2014

A few pieces of Brodkey that caught my attention

    1)      Premises include: the theories of textuality and discursive resistance
a.       Brodkey focuses on Foucault’s use of discourse and ideology which I find interesting considering her case study highlights class differences that make me think of Marx more.  The negative associations a deterrent, maybe?
b.      I love this type of stuff.  I discuss it with my boss all the time, issues of class and privilege.  I want to have these conversations with everyone and for a while I thought I could.  For a while I’d say things and not realize their impact, their offense, their brutality, their assumption, their charge in the ears of middle class white people, especially when those people think they can relate to me (gets kinda awkward after and I usually end up feeling like a dick) .  I am constantly contemplating rhetorical awareness-  in my speech, position, clothing, environment, surroundings, associations, everything, but mostly my language in written and verbal forms.  I play tricks on myself in my head with people to see who can see through me, who can play with me, and who can’t play for shit. I need to explain a bit more since this a part of my teaching philosophy. I’ll try and make clearer my thoughts, try.
2)      “The letters were generated  in the discourse of education, since they were initiated by six white middle-class teachers (four women and two men) taking my graduate course on teaching basic writing and sustained by six white working-class women enrolled in an Adult Basic Education (ABE) class” (128)
a.       What is the difference between middle-class and working-class?  Is working class the lower class and if so, why not say it?  I get the same feeling as when Marx wasn’t mentioned cause I'm a "weirdo", like Don mentioned to Dora.  
b.      They are all white people.  Funny, when I was reading the correspondence pieces encountering the broken English, I envisioned people of color, colored people, minorities- are any of those politically correct? People that look like my Dad or most, wait, all the guys I’ve dated (does mentioning that mean I can use politically and unpolitically correct terms?).  I had forgotten that it was white people by the end and not until I’m writing this did I realize.
c.       How middle class is a teacher?  Isn’t a teacher working because they can’t afford anything because they get paid 40k a year.  Or 50 or 60 depending on your degrees, school, etc. etc.  So, is that middle class?  they need to be married or something like that, no?    I kept thinking, especially now and days, this line between working and middle class is stupid af because it’s kinda non-existent except in our heads.  Along with the authority of the teacher comes the reputation of authority and that means, as was mentioned, “professional class narcissism”.  Like, how awkward is it that you’re a “scholar” and yet you are in the same financial position as the student who no able write in tense or make sentence clar. 
d.      Side-stepping- that thing we do when we don’t want to really talk about something so we acknowledge it passive-aggressively.  Like Don did to Dora when she mentioned the death and murder.  I argue with many people about mechanics and grammar because my teaching philosophy does not… give standard academic English the weight and privilege many of my colleagues give it… they tell me, “so you won’t teach your students any of it in your class?  You’ll let them write like that- with fragments and tense issues, etc. etc.”  ….. ready for it…. YES. Maybe… now what?  You think I am not fit to teach? I think the same of you.  Interesting isn’t it?  I think we are fascinating, we at seemingly opposite ends although I see myself as you and me, whereas your reality is just you with a dash of me to "liven" up the classroom when not doing "real academic work". what was that meme sent to me on FB, jokingly of course, by friends of course----

   Back to my point…   so the teacher’s mastery of linguistics, rather SAE, allowed them to side-step the conversation instead of getting in the mud with Dora.  I thought- hey, this is like Facebook- when you press the “like” button to passively acknowledge a photo. Post, comment, etc.  The “like” button has many interpretations, I’d argue, and I believe this is one of them.  Who needs mastery over language when I can press “like”, or create a meme with my application that needs but a few words anyways? What mastery over SAE do I need then? But that is basic communication, Amanda, we are talking about preparing students for their careers.…. Yes, you are right..... just like an academic essay prepares our students for their careers..........  Hmmm
e.      “to the credit of the teachers who participated in this study, none took the usual recourse of justifying their discursive control by focusing on errors in spelling, grammar, and mechanics that are indubitably there and that make reading the literacy letters as difficult as reading Lacan, Derrida, Foucault, or Althusser” (139)
                                                               i.      !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                                             ii.      I took this as ---  idk how to say it.  I hated it, and loved it.  Like--- on one hand, bless you teachers for your sensitivity to your audience, way to not correct your way into condescension.  On the other, ha!!! You just put their language on the same page as some big time names, you say it jokingly? Partially seriously? Iunno, but you say it, and people like me, goo---- no but seriously, Linda, I see their work as just as …. Beautiful.  But I still want to teach code-switching! But I still love how correct syntax and grammar can make a sentence sing, correctly; sing in tune, I mean, or not it’s just like jazz and that’s not… I mean…wait…more like EDM, which is not music but appropriated and spliced together pieces of… not really a am I saying…anyways…  my teaching philosophy, can you spot its pieces in here?

Blending various forms, genres, mediums, modes, lowbrow to highbrow, focusing on the relationship between content and content holder in context to it(s) surroundings, its rhetorical space, is what I found my philosophy on.  I emphasize this because I see it as a way to cut through ideology(s) and discourse(s) similar to what was mentioned by Brodkey, not cutting around, not carving out, but diving in to till you drip in confusion (by confusion I mean the pieces to our lives- social, political, cultural, gendered, religious, etc. all that good stuff that makes us who are we are).  Only then can you taste the salt in the water, and then after a little while longer the minerals- an acquired taste of sorts, it must be “learned” hmmm.  Still a work in progress, but I think I’m getting closer.  

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