Monday, February 24, 2014

Shari - McCurry and Perl

McCurry presents the case of machines (MSW) being used to score essay tests. The MSW and the reader's scores were different. That seems like an inevitable outcome. The AST W test is scored with many different variables. That seems to make this liberal real world writing test more accurate in its scoring.

Perl's piece looked at non-proficient writers and writing process. What they do, how long does it take? I found this piece funny because if writers are being watched and observed while writing, they will not be presenting their true process. Each of the participants met with a researcher for 5 90 minute sessions. In the sessions (four) where writing was the main focus, the participant was told to think aloud and “externalize their thinking processes”. The talking brain can't compete with the thinking brain. I found this silly.  Perhaps because this was done in the 70s (whatever that means); however, this study seems accurate but not reliable.  If done today, I'm sure the results would be vastly different because of people's attention span.


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