Sunday, February 28, 2016

Marisol's Discovery Draft - Brief Idea

As many of you may be familiar with the rhetorical triangular concepts, I will introduce part of my thoughts, which I intend to use as the “where” scene, which is part of my lit autobiography.  This is a conflating of ideas where the elements: ethos, logos, and pathos are meshed in a brief narrative of the events that somehow become part of who I am now.  The narrative starts back in 2003 at Los Angeles Harbor College, where I was taking my first steps to a four-year institution.   I will describe as fairly as possible one of the most important scenes that have shaped my writing process as an inevitable effect of the situations I experienced as a freshmen student.  My experience may not be as unique as your own experience, however; I believe it is worth of telling it.  Since it might touch and uncover some of the fears that we as ESL students experience during our first year in college.  During my first years at the junior college, Los Angeles Harbor College, I was advised by my academic counselors to take science courses such as anatomy, physiology, and microbiology, as complex as they might sound, I was completely resolute to face them with enthusiasm.  I wasn’t aware, however; of the tremendous impact that being sitting in a classroom full of Native speakers of English would add to my writing experience.  The first semester I sat at the top raw where I was basically not seeing well from such a distance, and obviously; couldn’t hear what the instructor was saying.  I used to end up with truncated sentences, and incomplete words as a result of being sitting at a far distance.  Since I was sitting at the very back raw I was a sort of out of the scene, or not forming part of the classroom, indeed.  I have learned from my English composition readings, and my other linguistic courses that learning is a process that doesn’t take place in isolation, and that through the sharing of knowledge our understanding of the world is developed.  Well, it wasn’t happening to me since I was out of the group.  There was a compelling force pushing me away from the crowd, which made me feel inferior in a sense.  Not being able to speak the language in a fairly manner yet, was a sort of humiliation that I wasn’t able to deal with.  If we cross mountains and oceans to pursue a better life, then; what else could be such powerful that prevents us from learning?  Let’s re-write a plan of action.  To my understanding unveiling of things only happen when we take an active role to do so.  The following semester I was sitting at the front raw armed with mind and heart disposition for learning.  I would write every single word the professor said, and also I asked permission to use an electronic recorder, so at home I would easily go over lectures and look for missed information such as wrong words that I might have wrote and so on.  In subsequent courses I would do the same process all over again, but in a more refine way, since I was becoming more aware of the ESL environment, but most important; of my abilities and desires to succeed, not only of the writing process by itself, but in the whole construction of the holistic skills I needed to be admitted to a four-year university, Cal State Dominguez Hills.  At Dominguez Hills I was admitted into the health science program, and I graduated with the magna cum laude honor in 2010.  This is not the end of the road, it is just the beginning.  I am currently working toward my master degree in TESOL, and by fall 2016; I expect to be working toward my second master in Spanish, but this process and such small achievements haven’t happened exclusively as an effect of hard work, but also; is has been the result of my professors who have believe in my dreams, and my dedication of shaping my life into a different one, a life were freedom belongs to those who allows their souls to be free through the process of writing.                         



  1. Congratulations for coming so far and achieving so much! (I'm jealous of you for being bi-lingual, and for having rich experiences in more than one country and in more than one culture.) After reading this, I see your discovery draft idea as having three distinct sections. The opening segment describes your insecurity, your feelings of inadequacy, and your alienation from other native English-speaking students in classes at Harbor College. The next section covers your resolve to break out of your isolation and underachievement; you summon the courage to take definitive steps to help yourself. You change your seat, you use a recorder, you interact with other students and the professor, you redouble your efforts outside of class to master material during study. For your efforts, you are able to transition to a four-year university, but new challenges confront you at CSUDH. Once there, you continue to hone your writing skills and your studying techniques. Eventually, you are able to graduate magna cum laude in 2010. The third section seems to emphasize that, despite having come so far and achieved so much, you are not content to rest on your laurels. You are pursuing a master's degree in TESOL (what do you plan to do with this?) and another degree in Spanish (what do you plan to do with this?). Already you are in a position for others from a similar background to see you as a role model. When they see how far you have traveled in your life's journey, when they see how much you have overcome and how much you have accomplished, they will be inspired to follow in your footsteps. The pride you will have in yourself is one thing; but the joy you will have in being of benefit to others will make it all the more worthwhile!

  2. David finally I was able to learn how to read comments! Thanks for such beautiful words, which are not just helping me on reinforcing my litautobiography, but also as a motivational drive to keep trying hard and pushing myself to my best. My tesol degree is a practical and also a high chievement that I considered has been a definite hook to improve and develop on my English skills. I believe that learning is a never ending process. I plan to combine my two worlds, since we pretty much interact with a diverse bilingual community, the Spanish studies will fullfil my desire of becoming a well-prepared instructor. I want people to see that everything is possible, but we need to make the efforts. Getting an education is another way to thanks this beautiful country that openned its doors for me and that I can give back to others what I have learned. I do respect all of you guys that have always showed me the warmthness of your hearts!
